FROM THE STORY TO THE BRAND As a descendant of a family of cloth makers, Roger Brandt’s love for fabrics has been practically put into the cradle. Although he was originally to follow the same path as his ancestors, he decided, similar to Denys Finch Hatton, to embark on the adventure and founded 1998 his own fashion company.
The name is quickly found: Fynch-Hattonas a tribute to Denys Finch Hatton, who impressed with his independence, his sense of adventure and his love of freedom. The business plan is quick, but now it’s time to convince buyers and suppliers. No easy matter: the competition is high and not everyone shares Brandt’s vision.
But like Denys Finch Hatton, Roger Brandts, with the help of his initially small team, remains persistent and does not let himself be distracted from his path.